Rebeca Segraves | A Fertility Journey

Show Notes:

Do you work with clients who are navigating fertility treatments? Do you have resources you can offer them to help guide this journey?

In today’s podcast, Lynn speaks with physical therapist, Rebeca Segraves, about what she learned through her and her wife’s journey with intrauterine insemination (IUI).

IUI is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. It can be a less painful treatment because the sperm are cleaned, so there is less of a reaction from the uterus from IUI than with the ejaculation method of insemination.

With IUI and fertility treatments, Rebeca shares the importance for women to learn about their cycle including checking the temperature and cervical discharge. Rebeca shares tips on optimal times for insemination and peak fertility as well as what women can do to improve their chances for conception.

Fertility treatments are expensive. As providers can help guide our clients on what they can do to research their options for providers and on their own bodies to achieve the best results possible. The more informed we are as providers, the better we can help our clients avoid pitfalls in the medical system and have a more successful journey.

Rebeca Segraves will be joining us for the 2025 Birth Healing Summit! She will be talking about cesarean recovery and planning. Join the Institute for Birth Healing mailing list for more details about the upcoming Birth Healing Summit taking place April 7 – 18, 2025.

Have a comment or question about today’s episode? Message Lynn on Instagram or Facebook, or Email Lynn.

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Early in her career, Rebeca Segraves recognized that the traditional standard of recovery for female-specific surgeries and childbirth did not offer access to rehab services to enhance function sooner.

Rebeca started Enhanced Recovery and Wellness to address this issue and prioritize mental and physical function early in the hospital and home after major procedures that impacted women’s health. 

Enhanced Recovery and Wellness passionately trains occupational and physical therapists to go beyond the standard of care in their hospitals and practices so that women’s health is a priority, and not an afterthought. 

Rebeca is dedicated to helping enhance recovery and function sooner after surgery and birth. 

Visit her website:

Book Recommendation: Taking Charge of Your Fertility

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