CPP: Introduction | 6:03

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  1. Emily Ray says:

    I am seeing many post partum women with R sided pain mainly and want to know more!

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      You’ll find your answer! If you can do bodywork then the Postpartum Course teaches you how to treat it! Thanks for taking the course!

    2. Lynn Schulte says:

      Did you figure out why it’s the Right side? I hope so!! You can learn how to treat it in the Postpartum course. Thanks for taking the course.

  2. Sue Boyce says:

    Have seen so many with the right side pain and great success with the work I learnt from you.

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      Isn’t it fun! So glad to hear this! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Maria Oconnor says:

    I am also seeing lots of postpartum moms with specific R side pain; can’t wait to dive into this course for some answers and feedbacks on how to treat

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      Awesome. You can learn how to treat this in my Treating the Postpartum Pelvis course or the Holistic Treatment of the Postpartum Body course.

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