CPP: Labor Positions Effect on the Pelvis | 9:44

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  1. If a mom was pushing in side lying position on the right, and then pushed for nearly an equal time in the left, but baby was born when she was on her left side, do you think they would be nearly equally splayed? Or would there still be a noticeably greater splay on the right (because she was laying on her left)?

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      It all depends on what pressures the baby put on the bones. Evaluating the bones is the best way to know what impact the birth had on the bones. Typically its the position when the baby came out that matters the most but even c/s births create pelvic patterns and the baby didn’t come out that way.

  2. Maria Oconnor says:

    I have a client with so many of the symptoms you have so far covered: I can’t wait to treat.

  3. Sarah Means says:

    Is the common open birth pattern considered dysfunctional during pregnancy if the pelvis is adjusting to the baby’s position or only after delivery?

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      It can be dysfunctional causing pelvic pain in pregnancy if the bones are in an unstable position which the open birthing pattern is. This is usually from a previous birth so only in subsequent pregnancies.

  4. Kelsey Pelfrey says:

    It’s been amazing to see the open birthing pattern in the clinic!

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      YES!!! I’m so glad you are seeing it cause it is in everyone who has birthed! Hope you’ve checked out the sacral flexion pattern as that one is in most people who’ve birthed vaginally but it’s much easier to miss in most people unless you are looking for it! I look forward to meeting you at a live course soon! Thanks for taking this course!

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