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Is this technique appropriate for pregnant clients? Just to clarify, even though you’re pressing on the sacrum, it’s now okay to do because the pressure is not onto the belly (as it would be in prone). Additionally, if a pregnant client doesn’t tolerate supine, would you simply elevate their head/upper trunk? Thank you!
Yes you can do it on a pregnant person but only in supine. If they can’t tolerate supine you can do in hands and knees. Take the Holistic Treatment of the Pregnant Body to learn more about mobilizing the pelvis is pregnancy and working with the uterine ligaments.
Is this technique appropriate for pregnant clients? Just to clarify, even though you’re pressing on the sacrum, it’s now okay to do because the pressure is not onto the belly (as it would be in prone). Additionally, if a pregnant client doesn’t tolerate supine, would you simply elevate their head/upper trunk? Thank you!
Yes you can do it on a pregnant person but only in supine. If they can’t tolerate supine you can do in hands and knees. Take the Holistic Treatment of the Pregnant Body to learn more about mobilizing the pelvis is pregnancy and working with the uterine ligaments.