Lab: Sacral Segment Mobility and ILA – Supine | 3:04
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With doing sacral hold and feeling a release, how long does the patient feel results? Does this typically require repeating at future sessions? What exercise or home activity do you assign to maintain improved pelvic alignment?
It all depends. Tune into the sacrum in your next visit and see if it needs more support or not. Every body is different. You can do pelvic stabilization exercises but I really talk to my clients about sitting and standing symetrically as that is the biggest factor most likely creating these issues. Check out their muscle lengths and see if one is tighter than another and encourage stretching of that but sorry this course doesn’t go into all of that in this course.
when palpating sacrum in supine, I though the main assessment was to see if it was in mid line and that it may be hard if prior birth experience had some increased pressure to one side, if it is more posterior, is that indicative of the open birth pattern?
Jeri, If the lower half of the sacrum S3 S4 are more posterior then yes that is sacral flexion and if it has decreased mobility anteriorly it is definitely stuck in flexion and in the open birthing pattern.
With doing sacral hold and feeling a release, how long does the patient feel results? Does this typically require repeating at future sessions? What exercise or home activity do you assign to maintain improved pelvic alignment?
It all depends. Tune into the sacrum in your next visit and see if it needs more support or not. Every body is different. You can do pelvic stabilization exercises but I really talk to my clients about sitting and standing symetrically as that is the biggest factor most likely creating these issues. Check out their muscle lengths and see if one is tighter than another and encourage stretching of that but sorry this course doesn’t go into all of that in this course.
when palpating sacrum in supine, I though the main assessment was to see if it was in mid line and that it may be hard if prior birth experience had some increased pressure to one side, if it is more posterior, is that indicative of the open birth pattern?
Jeri, If the lower half of the sacrum S3 S4 are more posterior then yes that is sacral flexion and if it has decreased mobility anteriorly it is definitely stuck in flexion and in the open birthing pattern.