APT: Ilial Outflare/Inflare Rebalancing Lab | 3:49

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  1. olga.kaltsou says:

    I would like to double check my understanding.
    When rebalancing, should both ASIS and PSIS be pushed medially, then a release is waited for?
    According to my understanding, if ASIS is an outflow, then PSIS is compressed to the sacrum, so PSIS should be pulled laterally? If I am mistaken, please correct me.

    1. Lynn Schulte says:

      Olga, For PSIS’s I focus more on mobility and if I can’t get mobility to restore in that side I look to ASIS’s and find using them helps to get the mobility back. If the ASIS is too flared out then PSIS’s are too compressed in medially and won’t have mobility. Getting ASIS’s in more medially restores more mobility to the PSIS. So I am using the ASIS as a leverage to reposition PSIS to help restore more mobility. So in a way the ASIS is helping to reposition PSIS’s more laterally, so yes to your question. Thanks

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