Carrie Hall | Why the Hip?
Show Notes:
How do you define the hip? As pelvic floor therapists, addressing all aspects of the hip is imperative to achieve good outcomes with your clients.
Listen in to today’s speaker, Carrie Hall, PT, who studied and worked with the renowned Shirley Sahrmann, PT, as we discuss the impact of the hip on the pelvic floor. Learn why we should be considering the entire structure of the hip, which includes the acetabulum and position of the pelvis.
Carrie shares three key points:
- The acetabulum sits across all three planes in the body
- Pelvic obliquity or pelvic tilts aren’t just on the sagittal plane but triplanar
- Address both the acetabulum via the pelvis and femur bone
Check out the video from Washington University on a lower quadrant assessment:
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Guest’s Gift and Contact Info
Carrie Hall’s Gift:
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